Books on Southeast Europe

Southeast European Politics Online


Papers to SEEP can be submitted by email or normal mail at the address listed at the end of this page. All papers considered publishable by the editors are blind reviewed by two anonymous referees.


Guidelines for Submitting Papers


 Articles submitted for publication must be typed in double spacing throughout, on one side only of white A4 paper. The word length for articles is 4000-8000 words, including notes and references. An abstract of up to 150 words should precede the main text, stating the intellectual problem/research question under consideration, the method of argument addressed to the problem, and the main conclusions reached. The abstract should be accompanied by up to five key words. For reports and research notes, the preferred length is 2500-4000 words, with an abstract and three keywords. Book reviews are to be 800-1200 words long. A list of books available for review can be requested from the editors.

Titles and section headings should be clear and brief. Tables and figures should have short, descriptive titles. Endnotes rather than footnotes are used to present information that supplements the text.


Citation Style

SEEP uses the Author-Date system, also known as Harvard System, outlined below.  Please check any reference details carefully and make sure they are complete. If a work appears in a note and in a bibliography/list of references, make sure all the details are the same. While we will accept contribution not following the style, it is the responsibility of the author to format the article according to the style prior to publication.


Author-Date system

This system is in some ways the most economical, as it does not use notes for references but gives the author’s name and year of publication in the text; only use a note if reference to a group of works makes the insertion very lengthy. With this system, it is essential that all works referred to are listed in the bibliography/reference section with full bibliographical details.


Style of citation in text:

The author’s surname, year of publication and, if needed, a page reference are given in parenthesis with the page reference separated by a colon:


Southeastern Europe is likely to join the European Union” (Smith 1995: 189).


If the author’s name occurs naturally in the sentence, it does not have to be repeated in the parenthesis:


Dugarde states that “the development of the party system occurd rapidly after the fall of the Communist Party monopoly…” (1995: 41).


If the author has published two or more books in the same year, this is indicated by adding a letter to the year: 1995a, 1995b and so on.

Where there are two or three authors, all surnames should be given before the date. For more than three authors the surname of the first author followed by et al. should be used, but all names should be given in the bibliography.




(Smith, Gordon 1993: 11-15)

(Smith et al. 1993: 2)


If different authors with the same surname are referred to, a distinguishing initial must be used, e.g. A.P. Taylor and F. Taylor.

If a work has been produced by an organization  (e.g. Minority Rights Group) and the author’s name is not given, use the name of the organization instead, even if it appears in the title. 

Use “forthcoming” for works that have not yet been published.

Bibliographical entries following the Author-Date format:




Biberaj, Elez. 1998. Albania in Transition. The Rocky Road to Democracy. Colorado: Westview  Press

Gordy, Eric. 1999. The Culture of Power in Sebria. Nationalism and the Destruction of Alternatives. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Maliqi, Shelzen. 1998. Kosova: Separate World. Reflections and Analysis, 1989-1998. Prishtina: MM Society Prishtina, Dukagjini Publishing House.


Articles in Journals


Sell, Louis. 2000. “The Serb Flight from Sarajevo: Dayton’s First Failure.” East European Politics and Society, Vol. 14, No. 1, Winter, pp. 179-202.


Book Chapters


Shoup, Paul. 1994. “The Bosnian Crisis in 1992.” In Sabrina Petra Ramet, Ljubiša S. Adamovich (eds), Beyond Yugoslavia. Politics, Economics and Culture in a Shattered Community. Westview Press, Boulder, Co., pp. 155-188.


Organizations as author


Minority Rights Group (ed.). 1997. World Directory of Minorities. London: Minority Rights Group International.


Internet citations


To cite files available for viewing/downloading via the World Wide Web, give the author’s name (if known), the full title of the work in quotation marks, the title of the complete work if applicable in italics, the document date if known and if different from the date accessed, the full http address, and the date of visit:


International Crisis Group (ICG). 2000. Bosnia’s Refugee Logjams Breaks: Is the International Community Ready? 30 May. <> [Accessed 31 May 2000].


Newspaper Article

Where author’s name, treat as article form academic available.


Smith, John. 2000. “Elections likely to fail,” New York Times, 3 January, A3.


Some periodicals, The Economist, for example, do not attribute authorship for the articles they print. Works from such sources are listed in the text and in bibliography under the name of the periodical.


(Economist 1999b: 20)

Economist. 1999. “The Balkan Exception,” 27 February, p. 23-4.


Correspondence or information obtained from interviews is not normally included in a bibliography but should also be mentioned in the notes.

Use the original language of the text. Titles in languages that do not use the Latin alphabet must be transcribed.

On a separate cover sheet, which will be removed for the purposes of anonymous editorial evaluation, authors should supply a short biography (one paragraph long), with a full mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and an email address where applicable.


Author(s) are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to:


or in hardcopy to:


Southeast European Politics
c/o  Florian Bieber
CEU, Nationalism Studies
Nador utca 9
H-1051 Budapest


COPYRIGHT: Before publication authors are requested to assign copyright to the publisher; they retain their right to reuse the material in other publications, written or edited by themselves, and due to be published at least one year after initial publication in the Journal.

© SEEP, 2000-2004.
Last Update: January, 2004